Kenus Informática, in collaboration with IDI Eikon and the entire INCA Consortium held on on Friday, 20 May 2016 an INCA Workshop in Zagreb, Croacia.

The one-day event was a big success and found a broad support among public authority representatives with detailed material available through the following links:

INCA Network of Interest Form    INCA Workshop Evaluation
Agenda/Programme Flyer

INCA pilots deal with cases in the areas of Heart Failure, Diabetes Mellitus (to be extended to COPD and Palliative), Cerebro-Vascular  Diseases,  Arterial Hypertension, Mental Health problems (the most difficult to change/obtain results from, given many patients and their delegation to third parties  and the strong regulations surrounding this type of patients. All the pilots are keen to extend the experience to any other chronic disease beyond the one chosen for the project pilot.

The five pilots project are deployed and running and this workshop will describe the key lessons learned with the aim to contribute to easy the work for those tasked with designing and delivering integrated care services. The results and recommendations will be set within an international context, with cases being easily extrapolated to national, regional and local situations.

The INCA project, that runs from 01/01/2014 to 30/06/2016, is funded under the 7th call of the ICT Policy Support Programme CIP-ICT-PSP-2013 with a total budget of 5.09M Euros of which 50% is paid as EU contribution.

Read more about INCA on the INCA Web Portal or watch the INCA video presentation.