Kenus Informática, in collaboration with IDI Eikon and other INCA consortium members, presented these days the INCA project at the Information and Communication Technology conference ICT 2015.
ICT 2015 took place from 20 to 22 October in Lisbon, Portugal. It offered to more than 6000 visitors the possibility to «Innovate, Connect, Transform» our digital world.
Providing Health and Social Care Services is becoming increasingly complex and costly. An aging population, a multitude of public, private and informal actors, together with a myriad of eHealth systems and technologies create numerous hurdles to offering efficient and cost-effective care. Hence, although the European savings potential identified amounts to 100 billion Euros annually, proactive integrated socio-sanitary care is till now more a concept than a reality. In reality, healthcare is provided by a plurality of islands and despite having strong institutions, good hospitals, and primary care getting better organized, they do not work in a coherent system. In this respect, the socio-sanitary integration options provided by INCA are valuable to let the users experience the benefits of proactive socio-sanitary integration even before the different vested stakeholders are ready to go the whole way.
The INCA project, that runs from 01/01/2014 to 30/06/2016, is funded under the 7th call of the ICT Policy Support Programme CIP-ICT-PSP-2013 with a total budget of 5.09M Euros of which 50% is paid as EU contribution.
Read more about INCA on the INCA Web Portal or watch the INCA video presentation.